Here’s a bracelet to match the Hammered Paddle Headpin Earrings from a couple weeks ago. The spring colors in this bracelet make me happy! If you need practice making wire wrapped loops, this project is for you. 🙂 The concept is fairly…
Just thought I’d mention that Craftsy is having a birthday flash sale this weekend. Select online classes at up to 50% off until May 11th at 11:59pm MT, including a favorite that I’ve mentioned several times, Wire-Wrapped Stones Crystals and Clusters. If jewelry making isn’t your thing, they…
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to have jewelry findings in any size shape, color and finish you want, and not be limited by what you can find at the store? These earrings feature a very simple technique to make your own headpins….
Hello again, Wednesday! Today is the day many of us gather over at Julia’s and share a peek of what we’re working on. Take a look see if you have a few minutes, it’s always interesting and rather fun. 🙂 Here’s my…
Happy Wednesday, everyone! If you’re wondering why I’m sharing a photo of my busy/messy workdesk, well, it’s What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, the day many of us share a peek into our creative worlds and what we’re up to. Join us over…
It is so utterly freeing to be able to make everything in your jewelry, rather than having to rely on components and findings you get in the stores. It’s also great for those of us who are picky and want it to…
Who says jewelry has to be all one thing or another? This fun bracelet is half beaded and half dangly charm bracelet. It’s also a fun way to use your stash. My furry little friend, Cheech, makes a cameo appearance helping me…
Well, phew, I made it! And here it is, the final project of March. It’s a cuff bracelet braided and woven of 20 gauge jeweler’s bronze wire. (Click on any of the pics for a closer look.) Woven in are a floral…
I promise I did do a creative project yesterday, there just wasn’t time to bake it and take photos. Sorry that the penultimate Make It In March post is a day late. First off, yesterday Robin asked what I do with the test…
Would you believe this bracelet design began with the chain? It’s funny how I was sure that would be the star player (or at least a large supporting role) but then the design evolved. While digging through my stash I found this…