I love how creative ideas multiply! It’s really true what somebody once said that as long as you are working with your creativity you can never run out of ideas. The more you work in the creative arts trying to express what it…
Much of the past holiday weekend was dedicated to making this. (Click on any of the photos to see a larger image.) “What is it?” you may ask. Well, let me ‘splain. In the interest of being efficient while sewing, I made…
So sorry I haven’t posted for the last couple of days. I was hoping to get a video up, but had several technical, scheduling and procedural difficulties. Soon, very soon! Anyhow, I thought I’d take this time to show you what I…
Have I mentioned that I love all things Tim Holtz? (Maybe once or twice, lol.) Last fall I got to take not one, but TWO classes with him. It was a blast, and a highlight of my year. I’ve already posted one…