What if I told you that the best way to relieve the stress of the holiday season is to take a little time off and do something creative without worrying about the time?
You might say I’m crazy, and that you’re too busy for that!
However, if you’ve been an artist for any length of time, you may have experienced getting into the zone. The “zone” is that wonderful place where time doesn’t matter. You look up after many hours feeling refreshed and relaxed, without even noticing the time pass. It’s like taking a mini vacation, giving your brain a break from all the day-to-day stress, and just enjoying the process of creating.

Several years ago, I took a class with Christine Dumont and worked on an assignment while jet-lagged. Because my mind was so tired, it was quite free, and as a result, I created things I did not expect.

I told Christine that I believed the key to being so pleased with what I’d made was that I was just “practicing” and there was no pressure or anxiety. I realized that I needed to let myself play or just “practice” more often.

She replied to me (I have this posted in my studio so I don’t forget it), “If you make every session in the studio an anxiety-free rendezvous with yourself, you’ll find yourself there more often and your productivity will skyrocket.
If you wait for the perfect time to get to the studio, you will never produce anything of great value.”

Since then, I schedule regular time to play, practice, and just have fun creating without stressing about the results. I don’t always get in the zone, but when it happens, it’s lovely.

So, if you find yourself needing some time “away,” try an anxiety-free rendezvous with your own creative materials. You never know what will result, but you’ll surely be more relaxed and refreshed afterward.