Do you find yourself in kind of a rut when it comes to choosing elements for your jewelry? I know that I often gravitate towards the same colors, shapes and styles, which isn’t always a good thing, especially not if you want to stretch your creativity.
That’s why I love the Dollar Bead Box subscription service. It challenges me because so many times when I go shopping for beads I often will skip over things that I’m not sure what I would do with or things at first glance I just don’t care for.
These assortments are great because they make you think in different ways, challenge you to get creative with the supplies you have and therefore make new discoveries.
If you are interested, there are two different subscriptions available:
And even if you don’t go with a monthly bead subscription, consider choosing beads and findings that are out of your comfort zone the next time you go shopping!
Be watching next week for a project made using items from Dollar Bead Boxes.
Watch the Bead & Jewelry Findings Unboxing-August 2017 Dollar Bead Box Subscription-Friday Findings video at YouTube.
Oh, that looks like fun. Christmas every month! 😀
Sandy , one of your videos I saw you had a spool of chain and I was wondering we’re I could purchase this . I’m very excited for next week’s video , I get to create along with you ? . Thanks in advance !