I have been admiring these tube bead bracelets for quite some time, in fact I made a Pinterest board just for them. You’ll notice the Pinterest board has a few pieces that may be necklaces instead of bracelets, they’re really just the same thing, only longer. And there are a few variations like the long tube on the very long strands, making an interesting and unusual necklace.
I also love the tubes that are sculpted with flared ends, and the ones that have holes pierced through them.
All the different textures shapes and the variation of color make this bracelet very rich and lush in appearance, hence the name, “baroque.” Dictionary.com defines baroque this way:
1. of or relating to a style of architecture and art originating in Italy in the early 17th century and variously prevalent in Europe and the New World for a century and a half, characterized by free and sculptural use of the classical orders and ornament, by forms in elevation and plan suggesting movement, and by dramatic effect in which architecture, painting, sculpture, and the decorative arts often worked to combined effect.
2. of or relating to the musical period following the Renaissance, extending roughly from 1600 to 1750.
3. extravagantly ornate, florid, and convoluted in character or style: the baroque prose of the novel’s more lurid passages.
4. irregular in shape: baroque pearls.
There are so many variations you can do with this. I had a few ideas that I didn’t have time to get to, like adding Swarovski crystals or hot fix crystals all over, perhaps surrounded with coils and dots of clay. Also, you could make a long tube, decorate the whole thing, and then cut it into individual beads.
Once again, don’t be intimidated by the long list of tools and materials. If you’ve been working in polymer clay or jewelry for a while, you likely have most of them. And the ones that you don’t have you’ll certainly use in future projects. 🙂
Tools & Materials:
- 2 bead caps -the ones I used are the 10mm Antique Brass Flowers End Caps
- 2 head pins
- clasp
- short length of chain
- jump ring
- form for tube beads
- scraps of paper
- tape
- polymer clay in colors of your choice
- clay blade
- clay smoother (Kemper Wipe Out Tool)
- 15-20 yards cording such as hemp cord
- texture sheet
- Armour All
- acrylic rod
- pasta machine
- Translucent Liquid Sculpey
- Gilder’s Paste
- chain nose pliers
- round nose pliers
- wire cutters
- 2 part epoxy
The video I mention about color mixing is from Wishing Well Workshop, not Cindy Leitz at Polymer Clay Tutor. (I got confused because Jenny mentions Cindy in her video.) Both channels are awesome, btw!
I would love to see your suggestions for ways that you can think of to vary this technique.
Enjoy the video and happy creating!
Watch the Baroque Beads Bracelet-Polymer Clay Jewelry Video Tutorial at YouTube.
These are wonderful! I especially love the patina. Nicely done!
Thank you! I particularly love all the textures.
Thank you, glad you like it!